Garcon Montana Mike 2,5 years of age


Garcon Montana Mike 20 months of age



LV CH, EST CH, 2 x CACIB, 3xRes CACIB, 5 x BOB


Garcon Montana Mike (Aluk Reach For The Sun x Ice Crystal Aluk Sweet Emotion) run together with Karla Dun Daga (Buffalo Bill Inditarod x Darra Ridal Dun Daga) of begining 2012


Garcon Montana Mike 10 months of age

Garcon Montana Mike 6 months of age

Garcon Montana Mike 5,5 months of age


Garcon Montana Mike 5 months of age


 Garcon Montana Mike 2.5 months of age



Garcon Mike Montana en route to Latvia



Garcon Mike Montana in Finland


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